Discuss one of the acts/movements (i.e., suicide prevention movement, the Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963, the Lanterman Petris Short Act, Psychiatric Emergency Treatment)





Discussion topic

Discuss one of the acts/movements (i.e., suicide prevention movement, the Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963, the Lanterman Petris Short Act, Psychiatric Emergency Treatment) that played into the history of prevention and crisis intervention. What gave rise to this change in the history of crisis intervention? How did the act/movement that you selected change the role of prevention and crisis intervention in the United States?

There are five main approaches to crisis intervention (psychoanalytic, humanistic, existential, cognitive-behavioral, family-systems model). Which of these approaches could you see yourself using as a crisis intervention worker? Why? Provide an example of how you would use this approach in your work.

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