Earned Value Analysis Assignment




“Private Question & Study Emergency”

Earned Value Analysis Assignment

Attached are additional documents that I hope will help you understand Earned Value and this assignment.Thank you or taking this assignment on for me.

This is Your Assignment:

You have been serving as Electroscan’s project manager and are now well along in the project. Develop a narrative status report for the board of directors of the chain store that discusses the status of the project to date and at completion. Be as specific as you can use numbers given and those you might develop.

Remember, your audience is not familiar with the jargon used by project managers and computer software personnel; therefore, some explanation may be necessary.

Your report will be evaluated on your detailed use of the data, your total perspective of the current status and future status of the project, and your recommended changes (if any).

Evaluate the Earned Value Management (EVM) Case Study found on page 499 in Project Management: The Managerial Process, Ch. 13.

Calculate EVM information from the data provided using the Electroscan, Inc. Student Table spreadsheet and then draw conclusions regarding the status of the project in the case study.

Draw conclusions regarding project health from the Earned Value analysis.

Analyze the effects of given schedule variances as well as SPI, CPI, EAC, TCIP, and any other EVM analytical products they deem valuable.

Write your findings in a 350- to 700-word memorandum.


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