EDU 371: Phonics Based Reading & Decoding week 2 DQ 3

Early Literacy Development


Read this web article from the Reading Rockets program entitled Stages of reading development. 


Pick one of the stages and create a student profile for that stage. Describe the student’s name, gender, grade level, reading skills, reading interests, etc. Your student profile must clearly show the stage. But, do not identify the stage in writing as you will be guessing the developmental stage of the profiled student in each other’s stages.




Rubric Scoring sheet is also attached. Please follow that. 🙂




Book:Rasinski, T. & Padak, N.D. (2013). From phonics to fluency: Effective teaching of decoding and reading fluency in the elementary school. NJ: Pearson.




If you have any question please feel free to ask me.


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