: Efforts have been made in sport management to identify the characteristics and methods of educating elite athlete women.

Task: Efforts have been made in sport management to identify the characteristics and methods of educating elite athlete women. A review of these efforts shows that, in general, three main attributes include underlying factors (such as full-time athlete support programs), process factors (such as creating competitive opportunities at different levels, focusing on preparation for international events ) And special agents (such as the construction of special facilities, coaching, services and specialized scientific support). On the other hand, past research on the structure and management of elite sports development systems has focused on key indicators of success, namely the provision of sports services for the development of cultureBUSN2050: Sports Management – University of New Castle – An Investigation of The Sporting Environment For Elite Female Athletes In Iran – Management Assignment Helps, the allocation of resources to specific sports and strategic planning in line with the needs of sports disciplines. Green, 2005; Green and Oakley, 2001). Although past research has put emphasis on the development of elite sports systems, few researches have explored how these sports systems are involved in the development of female elite athlete by providing resources (financial, training centers , Leading trainers and …) will help to cover their needs. While much research has been done on the management and organization of sports development systems (Green & Oakley 2001, Green 2005, Shilbery et al. 2008, and De Buster et al. 2009) and athlete development. Nevertheless, most of these studies have neglected the aspect of non-sports life and the provision of resources for the elaborate development of elite athlete women. Insufficient attention is paid to the distribution of resources to meet the needs of elite athlete women for a variety of reasons, as an important research gap. These reasons include: The influence of the elite sport environment on the physical, mental, social, and emotional health of elite athlete women, and sports organizations must have an adequate understanding of their responsibility for the welfare of women elite athletes as social duties and the obligation to fulfill their obligations under HRM operations. Understanding the individual needs of elite athlete women, sports organizations may have a special focus on the development of women athlete and the proper distribution of available resources. To achieve these goals, the present study will identify the needs and resources of elite athlete women in order to develop and meet their needs. Therefore, this research specifically examines the needs of elite athlete women in the championship sport environment by examining the attitudes of athletes and other people, including the members of the National Olympic Committee, the Ministry of Sports and Youth and the sports federations that participate in the sport of championship activities and participation they will pay. Considering that all the necessary investments in championship sport focus on the performance of elite athletes in national and international squads, their performance has important consequences such as national pride, national identity, national cohesion and the development of sport culture in society. Therefore, the importance of the attention of the sports management bodies such as the National Olympic Committee, the Ministry of Sports and sports federations to the non-sporting aspects of athletes’ sport is important in addition to providing training and sports facilities. Given that elite athletes in our country have a lot of personal concerns and stress outside the practice and competition environment, this study seeks to identify and elitist the needs of elite athlete women. Buster et al. (2006) argue that elitism in sports requires 10 years of practice and 10,000 hours of training, costing AUD $ 37 million per person for each gold medal (De Boucher et al., 2009). Therefore, elite athletes are increasingly the product of a long- term strategic planning process. Nevertheless, in our country, we see that despite long-term capital investments and high costs from sports organizations for the growth of elite athletes, many of them due to financial and livelihood problems, lack of jobs and other problems without the necessary returns from the championship sports fields, they will step down or be set aside. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the identification and prioritization of the needs and services of elite athlete women and the presentation of the model can be provided to the sports champions of the country so that, taking into account the amount of money available to solve the problems of elite athlete women, The other side will take major steps in addressing these long-term, medium-term and short-term plans. By implementing this plan, the needs of elite athlete women will be identified and prioritized. Therefore, the results of this application are available to managers and practitioners of the sports federations, the National Olympic Committee, and the Ministry of Sports and Youth, in order to be able to take the necessary steps to support elite athlete women and to meet their sporting and non-sporting needs. To address the concerns of these athletes, their areas of success will be provided on national, regional and international levels. On the other hand, the results of this study can help champions in sport to address these issues in long-term plans for the development of female athlete’s elite. Theories –  BUSN2050

  1. What are the needs of non-sports women of elite athletes?
  2. What are the sports needs of elite athlete women?
  3. What are the priorities for supporting elite athlete support women?
  4. Is there a difference between prioritizing the supporters of elite athlete women from the point of view of the National Olympic Committee, sports federations and the Ministry of Sports and Youth?
  5. To what extent do the current plans for supporting elite athlete women meet their needs?
  6. Can a pattern of supporting elite athlete women be designed in sports championships?

1. Methodology Type of study and method of studying hypotheses or answering questionsCross-sectional research investigation using both qualitative and quantitative research methods: involving  The research method is a descriptive and survey type survey that will be carried out in the form of a field and will be carried out in two quantitative and qualitative sections. Statistical society of the elite female athletes of the elite of team and individual Olympic sports from Iran in both individual and team sports (fencing, shooting, table tennis, gymnastics, diving, taekwondo, handball, badminton, tennis, hockey, basketball, trio, judo, boxing, volleyball, Kano / Kayak, weightlifting, sailing, cycling, wrestling, sailing and horseback riding) and coaches and staff of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, the National Olympic Committee and sports federations of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this research, elite athletes, team and individual athletes with a history of membership in the national team of adults, are designated by practitioners, champions in sport, and the purpose of coaches, active sports coaches, and retired sport disciplines. 2. Statistical population Participants:-  BUSN2050 The statistical population of the study will be elite athlete women and Olympic sport coaches, ministers of sports and youth, the National Olympic Committee and sports federations of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Sampling methodology and design. Due to the large volume of research samples, the number of samples in the factor analysis method is determined at least 2 and maximum 10 times the number of exploratory variables. Therefore, the research samples will include elite athlete athletes from the team and individual Olympic teams at the youth and adult levels and those involved in the championship sport, selected randomly from the target. 3. Sample size and calculation method In the first phase, with the coordination of the Physical Education Institute, a written letter is issued on thelicensing of information from women of the elite athlete and the main sports organizations of the country, namely the Ministry of Sport, the National Olympic Committee and sports federations. Then, through an interview with elite athlete women and sports practitioners working in the championship, an elaborate list of sports and non-sports needs of elite athletes is developed. Then, the stages of the preparation of the questionnaire are carried out and after the validity and validity of the questionnaire through the guideline study, the final questionnaire will be distributed after the validation between the samples. After the data are collected, the data will be analyzed and the final report will be compiled and written. 4. Measurement tool – BUSN2050 In this research, due to the lack of a standard questionnaire that can be adapted to the conditions and characteristics of the country, the researchers first examined the resources, books and articles related to the subject of research, using similar questionnaires and semi-guided interviews with a small volume of Elite athlete women, coaches and sports champions will complete a list of the needs of elite athletes, identification and classification, and a preliminary questionnaire. At the next stage, the questionnaire will be provided to the sports management professors and sports psychologists for the confirmation of face and content validity. After applying the comments and suggestions, in order to determine the validity of the instrument, a guideline questionnaire will be provided to a number of elite athlete women and sports managers. After this stage, by obtaining permission from the sports federations and explaining the importance of the research, the license will be distributed and the information collected through a questionnaire of the samples. In this research, women are meant to be elite athletes and coaches, athletes and coaches of team and individual who have a history of attending the national team in the field of sport at the level of the adult.

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