essay on the author s work being different

Each of the readings for this module introduced an author who made clear distinctions between two things that otherwise might be seen as equal — equal terms, equal genders, and equal animals. Yet the emphasis of each article is on the differences between those two nearly equal things. Consider any two of your three readings and explain the differences between the approach the authors took. You could discuss their arguments, their styles, their conclusions, or anything else about what they wrote. How are the two author’s articles work differently?

Your answer should consist of a well-developed paragraph, which means your first sentence should answer the question(s) (i.e., topic sentence), and the following sentences should support the topic sentence. The paragraph should be unified and coherent with specific supporting details or examples from the story. The sentences should be clear, concise, and arranged in a logical order. Transitions, pronouns, and repetition should be used to provide coherence. The paragraph should follow a compare and contrast format.

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