ethics in security building analysis

Ethics in Security

Assignment Content

Create a 350- to 500-word security employee-facing job aid describing ethics and its importance to the effective functioning of the security department. Provide specific examples of the ethical behavior you expect from employees and brief explanations of how each behavior drives quality and effectiveness of the department as a whole.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Building Analysis

Assignment Content

Select a physical building accessible to the general public. Some examples include an airport, stadium, post office, concert hall, convention center, museum, etc.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the physical security of the building and recommendations for improvements. Your paper should include:

    • A description of the physical attributes to the building that present a secure foundation.
    • A description of the building design, structural integrity, and defenses, including processes and procedures related to computer security.
    • A cost benefit analysis to strengthen the argument for your recommendations.
    • A rationale for your recommendations.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

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