event planing



1. Question C. A pharmaceutical company exhibiting at a medical convention trade show in your city wants to host an off site evening hospitality reception for 200 of its best customers, featuring a theme that celebrates the local culture.

Part 1: From the text Professional Event Coordination, The minimum required length for this part is two pages. Include all six components of the “six A’s” including Anticipation, Arrival, Atmosphere, Appetite, Activity, and Amenities in detail. Each section should be 1 2 paragraphs. Include an introduction and summary paragraph tying them together.

2. Question

The city elections took place yesterday, and the newly elected mayor just called and wants to hold an impressive investiture ceremony and inaugural ball six weeks from now. The ceremony will be in the afternoon and the inaugural ball that evening, and both are to include elements that recall the campaign issues of supporting youth programs, strong law enforcement, and community pride.


Part 2: From the text Professional Event Coordination, answer .The minimum required length for this part is two pages. Your timeline should start with today and include a comprehensive production schedule for the date of the event. Include an introduction and summary paragraph tying them together. Include a spreadsheet (Excel or Microsoft Project are recommended). Include all setup, personnel, and honored guests as needed in your production schedule. Include an introduction and summary section explaining your production schedule.

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