explain who yourself as a photographer and a brief overview of how you perceive yourself professionally.

  1. Introduction: In 2–3 paragraphs, explain who yourself as a photographer and a brief overview of how you perceive yourself professionally.
  2. Lifelong professionalism and how you will maintain your image:  In 2–3 paragraphs explain how you will focus on continuing to maintain your professional image as a photographer.
  3. Short-term goals: 2–3 short-term professional goals (written as SMART statement). Explanation of a plan to meet each goal (1 paragraph per goal) and rationale for why the goal will support your professionalism (1 paragraph per goal).
  4. Long-term goals: 2–3 long-term professional goals (written as SMART statement). Explanation of a plan to meet each goal (1 paragraph per goal) and rationale for why the goal will support your professionalism (1 paragraph per goal).
  5. Education Plan: At least 3 ways that you can maintain your knowledge throughout your degree. Explain why each way would be important to your career (minimum of 3 paragraphs).
  6. Budgeting Plan: Explanation as to how you will budget to ensure all future education (should connect to the education plan) as well as future career marketability needs are met. (minimum of 3 paragraphs).


  • U.S. based references
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