few companies change the world by leading a technological revolution and fewer still do it more than once apple is one of them it is considered one of the most successful companies in history and the world s most innovative company in technology areas

  • Describe any three innovative or new products or projects introduced by Apple on global market during the last three years (from 2017 to 2019). (1 mark)
  • Evaluate the performance of these three products/projects based on: (1.5 marks)
  • What is the most performant project among those you chose? Justify(0.5 mark)
  • What are the main business processes and practices used by the company to stay a leader in a hypercompetitive Cell phone industry?(1 mark)
  • Do these innovations have environmental cost? Explain.(0.5 mark)
  • How does Apple manage the risks of environmental uncertainty? (0.5 mark)
  • Time to market (considering the time interval of the successive innovations on the same product)
  • The innovation intensity and the technological complexity
  • Market share of every innovative/new product.
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