final exam essay need major help with

You will have two hours to plan, write, and proofread an essay drawing a Personal Response to a Source. This assignment asks you to relate two things — your own views and the views of the author of the source—and in so doing to present an informed outlook.

Your reactions to the article can take any or all of the following forms:

  • You can agree or disagree with the author’s ideas
  • You can call any of the ideas into question
  • You can respond to any idea or issue expressed in the source

Present a clear thesis (last sentence of the introduction) and develop a unified, coherent essay, with supporting details from the source text. Make certain to cite all paraphrases and direct quotations from the article.

The essay must include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Please give your essay a creative and meaningful title.

Name the author and title of the article in the introduction. The source reading is a given for the purpose of this assignment, so a works cited page is not necessary.

The evaluation of your essay will be based upon whether you

  • have addressed the topic as it is written,
  • introduce author’s first and last name as well as article title in the introduction,
  • have a clearly written thesis or main statement,
  • developed your thesis logically and in sufficient detail,
  • used well-formed sentences and paragraphs,
  • used language appropriately and effectively,
  • do not use borrowed material in the introduction or conclusion,
  • have followed standard practices in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar,
  • do not use ‘you’ or ‘I’ or ‘we’ or ‘our’ or contractions,
  • Refer to the article at least ONCE in each body paragraph using parenthetical citations: EXAMPLE ~ (Mandel).

Take a few minutes to think about what you want to say before you start writing, and plan your essay accordingly.

NOTE: Please take time in order to proofread and make corrections to your work as you move through the writing process. The final draft of your essay will be graded using the General Composition Rubric.

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