Final Paper


Each student will write a 5-page paper (minimum) that contains two parts as follows. Part 1 of the paper will be a discussion of your personal career or job search strategy immediately following graduation. (Bussiness Administration Major) Personal career would like to own my own blue-collar business. Work for a blue-collar business to learn ins and outs for a few years.

Part 1 should not exceed 2 pages. For Part 2 of the paper, each student will research the topic, and write the balance of the paper.

The paper needs to conform to APA format and you must cite at least 8 outside sources for part 2.

Part 2
Professional Networking in the Digital Age

The digital age has transformed the way we communicate and collaborate, and professional networking is no exception. Today, there are a variety of online platforms and tools that can help us build and maintain professional relationships.

In your paper, explore the role of digital technology in professional networking. Discuss the following:

What are the benefits and challenges of using digital technology for professional networking?
What are some specific online platforms and tools that can be used for professional networking? (Linkedin)
How can students and recent graduates effectively use digital technology to build and maintain their professional networks?

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Final Paper

For this assignment please write a 5 pages (not including the title page and references page).  In this paper, please analyze a character’s illness and treatment from the perspective of a psychotherapist from the movie “Split” (2016).

Formatting Reminder: You are expected to format your paper according to APA formatting guidelines. Be sure to cite your sources accordingly, to avoid plagiarism in your formal written assignments.

You are required to include discussion of:

1.) The character’s diagnosis in terms of the DSM-V

2.) A brief discussion of the apparent etiology of the character’s symptoms

3.) An in-depth analysis of the treatment prescribed for the character in terms of theoretical perspective: psychoanalytic, client-centered, gestalt, and behavior therapy.

4.) Which perspective(s) is(are) being represented in the movie?

5.) Does the treatment seem to be effective?

6.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?

7.) What, if any, alternative approach would the student recommend?

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