final strategic plan and presentation 4079301 2

  • Part IV: Implementation
    • Similar to your Learning Team assignment last week, describe how you plan to implement your strategic plan. In 700 to 1,050 words, address the following:
  • The potential barriers you anticipate and how you plan on overcoming them
  • How you will communicate your plan to all the organization’s employees
  • Your market entry strategy and the procedure you plan on using to implement your strategic plan
  • Part V: Evaluation and Control
    • In 700 to 1,050 words, answer the following questions:
  • What measurement guidelines should be used to verify strategy effectiveness?
  • If your strategy does not go according to plan, at what point would you consider altering the strategic plan you have suggested?
  • What tolerance range should be in place that would call for corrective action if exceeded?
  • What corrective action would you need to make if the organization’s performance fell outside the tolerance range?
    • Submit the assignment as a complete plan, including Parts I through V.
    • Cite at least five sources to support your information.
    • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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