“For Phyllis Young”


Create an engaging vocabulary game that utilizes five different teaching strategies for vocabulary development. These strategies should also address Common Core’s three tiers of academic language:


  1. Common words, which most children acquire in daily conversations in their first language;
  2. Content specific technical words, which may be commonly used or rarely used; and
  3. Words that define written text, generally more sophisticated and precise than words used in conversation OR academic vocabulary from academic texts


Submit a description of the game materials and instructions on how the game is to be played in a 500-word essay.  The vocabulary game should include strategies that can be used as informal assessments. Be sure to allow for differentiation for ELL or special needs students. The game should be one that can be replicated at home by the students and their family members. 


*** Additional assignment


Create a graphic organizer that includes a definition for each trait, as well as an activity that supports learning. 6+1 Trait Writing Model of Instruction & Assessment








Word Choice


Sentence Fluency






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