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1st assignment need Tuesday or Wednesday 75 100 words (attached reading)

One paragraph that describes your comparison of a thought, belief, or ritual in your own community with that from an indigenous culture. In a second paragraph, discuss the challenges in comparing thoughts, beliefs, or rituals from two communities in this way. Explain how this comparison might be useful.

2nd assignment

Select one indigenous group from either Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, Pacific Islands, or South America. A 1 to 2 page paper in which you do the following:

  • Identify the indigenous group that you have selected and the region the group lives in.
  • Explain your reasoning of why this group is considered indigenous.

3rd assignment

Directions: Read Case 3 – Jacquii LLC on page 834 of the textbook. Should a young entrepreneur accept a potential investor’s terms that require her to give up control of her business? Answer the following questions:

  • What other potential sources of financing for Jacquii LLC do you recommend Rosshandler explore? Explain.
  • What are the advantages and the disadvantages of using equity capital and debt capital to finance a small business’s growth?
  • What steps could Rosshandler have taken to avoid her company’s cash flow problem?
  • Should Jacqui Rosshandler accept the investment offer from Arthur Shorin? Explain.

Write a 1 2 page paper detailing the above questions, and be sure to cite your references.

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