Golden Age of Islam Questions

I’m working on a history multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


Battle of Tours:

1. When was the Battle of Tours fought?

2. Who won the battle? Who led the Franks?

3. Who lost the battle? Who led the Moorish Army?

4. Who was Charles Martel’s grandson?

5. How did Charles Martel take power? Did that help prepare him?

6. What is most significant about the Battle of Tours?

The Atlantic: How Islam Created Europe (Article) (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)7. When did Islam spread across North Africa?
8. European feudalism slowly gave way to what?
9. Where did “The West” largely develop?
10. Edward Said claimed that Islam shaped Europe how? (explain)
11. What is the current trend with Islam in Europe?

Golden Age of Islam:

12. When was the Golden Age of Islam?
13. Which Dynasty Dominated? From what city?
14. Harun al-Rashid pushed the study of knowledge and embraced what advances?
15. What was the House of Wisdom? Where? Which scholars involved?
16. What fields of study flourished? (Give specific examples)
17. What is Sufism? Give an example of Sufi practice.

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