
You will investigate and report about two grant information data reservoirs, one public the Federal Register and the other private the Foundation Center, designed to inform organizations about acquiring Grant money. For each reservoir, you will provide answers to the following questions: 

  1. What is it?
  2. Where do I find it?
  3. Why does it exist?
  4. Who authorized or sponsored it?
  5. And how do I access the data from it?

The assignment should be viewed and written as an Investigative Report [e.g., include a recanting of your methodology, the sources of your data, and your opinion as to the value of each reservoir]. The report needs to be 3–5 pages in length, appropriately cited and professionally written. A heading should be used for each section/question. Please see the attached grading rubric for specific grading procedures and guidelines.

You are researching the two organizations the Foundation Center and the Federal Register NOT any one grant. 

Note: “Public” is a reference to tax dollars and “private”, non tax dollars. You should research the “Federal Register” [public] and “The Foundation Center”, [private].

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