HCA 430 help with Discussion 1 & 2


Cost of Health Care

Health Care for the Mentally Ill
From Title:
Healthcare Casualties: The Underinsured Mental…


This week’s first discussion forum will focus on individuals with mental conditions.

Our health, or the absence of such, can be very expensive. Many vulnerable populations simply do not have private funds available to pay for their care.  Relating your research to individuals with mental conditions, select a mental illness of your choice and answer the following questions:

  • What public financing resources are available to individuals with this particular mental condition?
  • What are the eligibility requirements and restrictions to receive these funds?
  • What happens if eligibility standards/requirements are not met by those with this illness?
  • Are there any alternative care options specific to this group that might be available?


Barriers to Care

This week’s second discussion forum will focus on the suicide- and homicide-prone popultion.

Based on the article “The War on Suicide?” and the video One a Day: Soldier and Suicide in the U.S. Military, the struggles and barriers of military service members are highlighted. Although many resources are available to the military, and most are provided at no cost, the suicide rate is enormous.  Please answer the subsequent questions:

  • Which barriers do our soldiers face on a daily basis?
  • Why are some hesitant to consult available and free resources?
  • What are your suggestions on how these barriers can be reduced or eliminated?



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