HCS 475 UOPX Wk 5 Problem Analysis and Solution Implementation Summary




Review your graded Problem Analysis Worksheet, and select one of the solutions you proposed in the Problem Analysis worksheet.

Write a 350- to 700-word summary memo explaining why your solution will be effective in resolving the change/conflict, how you propose to implement the solution, and your role as a leader to manage conflict and create an effective work environment.

Include the following in your summary:

Summarize the problem and the solution you propose to implement.

Analyze why you think the solution will be effective.

  • Analyze what needs to be considered when implementing the proposed solution.
  • Analyze the leadership style that best fits in this situation.
  • Analyze the leader’s role in managing the conflict.
  • What is your role as a leader and how would you manage this conflict?
  • Explain the leader’s role in creating an effective work group when implementing the proposed solution.


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