Healthcare Emergency Management Enniss EMP model Discussion Question




Week 10 – Introduction

The Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) or Emergency Management Plan is the document that guides (or should guide) any facility’s preparation and response. It has come a long way from the old “disaster” plan of decades gone by. Regulatory agencies expect it to be thorough, readable and workable. Staff expect it to be at their fingertips when they need it.

So what makes a good EMP? Who helps write it? Who changes it? Enforces it? You get the idea.

Should be an interesting week of discussion.

Weekly Objectives:

Describe how to develop an emergency management program.

Describe how to evaluate and test emergency management programs.

  • Week 10 – Readings
  • Attached Files:

Blanchard (129.5 KB)

Reilly, M., &Markenson, D. S. (2010). Health Care Emergency Management: Principles and Practice

Chapter 5: Developing the Hospital Emergency Management Plan

  • Ennis, S.(2001). Model Emergency Management Program Hospitals and Community Emergency Response -What You Need to Know Emergency Response Safety Series, U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA 3152 (1997)

Week 10 Discussion Board

Review Ennis’s EMP model. How would you improve it? Is there any crossover with other hospital department responsibilities?

  • Provide a table of contents for your hypothetical emergency management plan.


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