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You are to complete the following portions of your strategic plan:

  • Create a SWOT analysis.
  • Define a strategic management plan, using your SWOT analysis.
    • Identify the (internal) strengths of the organization structure.
    • Identify the (internal) weaknesses of the organization structure.
    • Identify the (external) opportunities.
    • Identify the (external) threats.
    • Match the internal and external environments to attain the organization’s goals.
  • Define a continuous improvement plan that indicates how you will do the following:
    • Measure outcomes
    • Identify service problems
    • Eliminate gaps in performance
  • Identify how your action plans are linked to the following:
    • Vision statement
    • Mission statement
    • Service strategy
  • Summarize your overall plan, indicating its current limitations and implications of your plan for the health care industry as a whole.

Keep your SWOT analysis short and simple, and avoid complexity and overanalysis. If it helps to organize your thoughts, use a SWOT table.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Unit Materials

Unit 1 Course Materials


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