homework assignment 105

You will be assigned into teams of two by the instructor to go through the mock negotiation exercise #1. One student will be assigned the role of the buyer, and the other student will be the seller.

To prepare for your “role” (buyer vs. seller), you will need to read the confidential information about your role. The confidential information will be emailed to the buyers and sellers separately.

Your Planning Document should cover, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Issues to be negotiated;

(2) Your position and interests on each of the negotiation issues;

(3) The priority of each of negotiation issues;

(4) Your BATNA and Reservation Point;

(5) Your Target Point;

(6) Your sources of power and negotiation strategies;

(7) Your best estimate of your negotiation opponent’s position, interests, BATNA, reservation point etc.

Please be advised that the format of the planning document is flexible; it’s for your use to get a better negotiation outcome.

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