HP University, assignment help





PLease read the attached file below and answers the questions:
  1. What aspects of HP University effectively link training to the organization’s needs?
  2. Which aspects of the “University” link employee development to the organization’s needs?
  3. Given the integral role of computerized training at HP University, and the organization’s expansive global presence, how can HP address the three most common development-related challenges (including the glass ceiling, succession planning, and dysfunctional managers)?
  4. Explain how HP University serves as a training strategy to support the organization’s needs.
  5. Explain how HP University serves as an employee development strategy to support the organization’s needs.
  6. Explain how HP University can help HP address the three most common development-related challenges (including the glass ceiling, succession planning, and dysfunctional manager).
  7. Writes in a scholarly manner by providing validation and scholarly evidence with writing that is free from grammatical and mechanical errors and adheres to APA style.
  • Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style.
  • Number of resources: Minimum of four scholarly resources. Distinguished submissions will likely exceed that minimum.
  • Parts of paper:
    • Title page.
    • Body of paper.
    • References page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.



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