i need someone solve my math homework class 095 collage algebra beginning and intermediate c

I need someone to solve my math Homework for class 095 collage algebra beginning and intermediate. chapter 6.1 equations 34, 42, 51, 61 chapter 6.2 equations 49,52,54,57,61 chapter 6.3 equations 44,47,48,51,53,63,64,73,74,79 chapter 6.4 equations 64,65,66,69,72,73 chapter 6.5 equations 21,24,25,34,37,38 P.458 9 equations 8,9,11,14,16,20,24,30,35,37,38,43,45,47,48,51,52,53,62,67 chapter 6.7 equations 17,18,21,29,35,47,51,59
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