Identify and discuss how these factors may create barriers to Nursing management.

The newly formed Youbeaut clinic is currently in the process of applying for the federal governments Healthcare Home Program.  In order to show the ability of the new practice to undertake this program, the healthcare team has already adopted some of the practices associated with this program namely, the use of a screening tool to identify complex patients who would be considered eligible for the program. The practice has been able to create a RN position to act as care coordinator for these patients.  Both Ben is a at the Youbeaut clinic who meets the inclusion criteria. Review Ben’s case study and care plan then answer the following questions:

Discuss the elements of Ben’s medical history that contribute in him being classified as medically complex.

Consider Ben’s situational complexity. Identify and discuss how these factors may create barriers to Nursing management.

A diagnosis of more than one medical condition (multimorbidity) is a well-documented barrier to effective care delivery. Provide a brief discussion relating to how multimorbidity impact diagnosis and treatment for complex patients.

Refer to the nursing care management plan for Ben. Identify and discuss any conflicting treatment or management elements of this plan.

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