identifying leadership and supervisory style

Throughout this course, many of the leadership roles have been examined, including those of supervisor, project or program manager, executive director, and many more. As advanced practice social workers, many of you will be asked to take on any of these varying leadership roles during your professional career.

Utilizing outside sources, self-reflection, and interviewing of a social work leader in the field, write a 5-page paper.

Before the interview:

  • Determine whom you would like to interview for the assignment; think about a social work professional who is currently or has been in a leadership position – consider your interests in the leadership or supervisor role(s) they have held or currently hold, leadership or supervisory styles or models (CVF quadrant) they align with and your understanding of their role. Make every effort to interview a social worker in this role, but if this is not possible, choose someone in a human services profession.
  • Referring to the leadership literature you research on your own and the course readings provided for you, develop at least 10 questions to ask in the interview.

After the interview, write your paper to include the following:

  • a description to identify whom you interviewed for the assignment and why, i.e., your interest in the leadership or supervisory roles they have held or currently hold; what leadership qualities you observed in them prior to the assignment; and if your understanding of their role and qualities changed or stayed the same after the interview;
  • discuss what leadership literature and course readings you used to develop interview questions and how you were able to use this information to create your questions.
  • provide a summary of the interview and the information learned – do not include a list of questions and answers in the body of the paper, only a summary of information learned.
  • discuss your preferred leadership style and model (CVF quadrant) and how this compares to the person you interviewed.
  • discuss how you anticipate you will apply this leadership style and model (CVF quadrant) in your own social work practice as a supervisor, manager, and/or leader;
  • include a self-reflection and assessment on why this leadership style and model (CVF quadrant) suits you, including any past experiences you have had either in the role of supervisor, manager, or leader or as an employee or volunteer and what you learned from the interview that you will or will not use in your own future social work practice.
    • Do not include the interview questions within the body of the paper – add the interview questions/answers, the name and title of the person you interviewed the name of the organization where they work and his/her role (job position) in that organization as an appendix after the reference page.
    • A well referenced paper should include about six (6) sources – cited within the body of the paper as well as referenced on the reference page.

Use APA style for formatting your paper (sample APA-formatted paper).

Please review the grading rubric for this assignment.

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