individual contributor, nonclinical department

Job Description and Justification

As the HR manager for a large healthcare organization, you have been asked to design a new position for an individual contributor, nonclinical department such as Billing, Admitting, or HR. The job should be entry-midlevel and one appropriate for someone with a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration.

Write a 6–8 page report in which you:

  1. Develop the job title and essential duties for the new position.
  2. Write detailed job description suitable for listing on the organization’s website.
  3. Identify the desired KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities).
  4. Explain the required minimum qualifications.
  5. Describe the steps involved in hiring for this new position.
  6. Develop salary recommendations.
  7. Identify a process to identify the most qualified applicants for the position.

Be sure to justify each decision and recommendation you make.


  • This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different from other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
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