John Bowlby Attachment Theory Discussion Reply




respond to  emily

In my first post, I discussed John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory that suggests that humans become attached to our first caregivers no matter what kind of treatment we receive. In my second post, I wrote about Erikson’s Psychosocial theory that suggests that humans go through developmental crises that shape our development.

The two theories are similar in that they both include genetic disposition. In Attachment theory, a child unconsciously becomes attached to its caregiver because it is survival. In Erikson’s theory, the crises we go through are part of a genetic preset plan. Both use genetics to carry out development and to build bonds. Attachment theory is an application of the Ethnological theory that states there are critical periods in development a specific type of learning occurs rapidly. Critical periods of development are very similar to the developmental crises in Psychosocial theory. Also, Attachment theory and psychosocial theory believe that a positive experience in the critical stage or the crises will yield a positive outlook on life and influence future experiences for the better.

The difference in the two is that Attachment theory says we get attached to our parents/caretakers and follow their guidance no matter how they treat us or what the experience is like. On the other hand, Erikson’s theory says a time will come when we choose whether we trust and our experiences will influence our choice, a child of neglect will have trust issues.


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