



Kouzes and Posner identify inspire a shared vision as the second practice of exemplary leaders. Review the definition of this practice (chapter 2 & 4), and then view this clip(30:29 – 35:28) from the film, Defiance. This is a film based on a true story about resistance to Nazi oppression in Belarus during WW II. We often think of a vision as something grand (like starting a new company or going to the moon), but a vision that inspires people can take various forms. In this clip, a group of Jewish refugees are gathered in the forest, and they are hungry, tired, and sick. Some of their friends have been killed by the Germans. Explain how the main character, Tuvia Bielski (Daniel Craig), demonstrates this leadership practice (inspire a shared vision) and commitments as outlined by Kouzes and Posner. How does his vision compare to that of others in the clip?

300-400 words in APA format.


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