leading change 11

1.Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

The need for change must be differentiated from the ability to change in order for it to be successful.

Discuss the requisite skills a person needs to lead change for a chosen organization. How can the organization’s structure accommodate change?

2.Reply to your classmates.

I think there are many things that go into making a change and execution of the change. One of the first things that have to happen is the actual decision has to be agreed on. Once the change is decided, then a plan can be written up for implementation. A good leader must be there to implement and sell the changes. The appropriate leader will be a positive influence on the rest of the team. The leader must also be able to communicate the changes in a positive light. I feel that if the leader can be positive and point out the good of the changes, then the rest of the team will forget their reluctance to make changes. When a change needs to be made, the best thing for the business is to have a strong leader that can help to push the changes out.

3.Reply to your classmates.

The requisite skills a person needs to lead change for a chosen organization may not always be identifiable such as may be noted on paper but rather may be that of the ability to create vision and inspiration amongst staff. This is clearly identifiable in communications prior to hiring and throughout the employment history. Once the vision, desire, or passion has dissipated it may be time for organizational restructuring in order to keep momentum and innovation at its peak.

How can the organization’s structure accommodate change?

A portion of a subtitle in our Chapter 2 reading summarizes the required 175-word response into 6-words: “The Fish Rots from the Head”. Gibbons, P. (2015)

Hunter, et al (2007) tells us research has demonstrated climate, the collective mood, to be an “especially effective predictor of creative performance in turbulent, high-pressure, competitive environments.”

Goran Ekvall’s ‘Climate for Innovation’ framework describes climate to include resources, safety, and curiosity. Gibbons, P. (2015)

RESOURCES: (Hands) Idea time & Idea support

How challenged are the staff?

Do they have time to think before they act?

Are there available resources to support their ideas?

SAFETY: (Heart) Trust & openness

Do staff feel safe speaking their minds or expressing different opinions?

Is the workplace fun to be in? Is it relaxed?

Are there a lot of negative interpersonal conflicts?

CURIOSITY: (Trust) Necessary in order to try new ideas

Can staff engage in debate regarding issues?

Are staff free to decide how to do their jobs?

Is it okay to fail?

By taking the partial subtitle, Hunter, et al (2007) research, and Ekvall’s framework and combining these with what we have learned regarding leadership and organizational structure – specifically the responsibility leadership holds with respect to culture and the organizational structure and its processes. My take-away = leadership holds the key.

The organizational structure can accommodate change by providing the resources and the environment and by ensuring an equitable and inspirational distribution of work. Both of these actions will serve to facilitate design and inspire the innovative creative processes within staff.

We now know a pro-innovative climate can be learned. However, it is unclear to me just how ‘rotten’ the fish can get before anyone notices and interventions are instituted.


Hunter, S.T., et al. (2007) Climate for creativity: A quantitative review. Creativity Research Journal, 19 (1).

Gibbons, P. (2015) The science of successful organizational change: How leaders set strategy, change behavior, and create an agile culture. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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