letter reference

Very esay work

Letters of Reference

One reference letter should be based on work experience and the other based on either academic performance or community service. However, two work related references are acceptable in certain cases.

The reference letters should confirm that an applicant is a suitable candidate for an MBA program. The writer(s) should articulate why s/he feels the applicant will succeed in such a program, whether s/he feels it will benefit the applicant (and why), and any other information about the applicant which could identify them as a good fit for the program. The context in which the referee has come to know the applicant should also be mentioned. Length and level of detail in the letters may vary; there is no set standard.


I worked at hertz car rental. I was a manager trainee.

also I have a 4 year finance degree, bachelor of commerce.

only one page would be enough. write it as a letter. 

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