literature revie

BASICALLY, i did the paper but it is not right now 92% plagiarized according to turnitin. I need someoen to review it and make it like less than 5 percent plagiarized in next 1 hour. and write the summary. the reviews are cincluded the article. this project should conclude with a discussion section that provides your overall impressions and recommendations, synthesizing all of these projects. All literature must be cited in a Reference section, which will not count against your 10 15 page summary. Use APA format on all citations.

students must complete a comprehensive review of evaluations conducted in a substantive area (e.g., effectiveness of community policing program, outcomes associated with an evidenced based behavioral health intervention, impact of a public health prevention initiative, the effect of classroom behavior management strategies) and submit a minimum of a 15 page synthesis of these evaluation efforts.

The synthesis will be expected to include but not limited to 1) a description of the search strategies you used (i.e., databases, key terms, numbers of articles found, article inclusionary/exclusionary criterisa,2) description of the evaluation audience and stakeholders, 3) the type of evaluation (formative/summative/ process/outcome), 4) evaluation methods including the primary evaluation questions, participants, data collection and analysis methods, your perspectives on work plans and timelines used. These reviews should also include your feedback on whether the evaluation procedures were appropriate to address the questions proposed as well as your recommendations for the best strategy(ies) to successfully accomplish the evaluation.

This project should conclude with a discussion section that provides your overall impressions and recommendations, synthesizing all of these projects. All literature must be cited in a Reference section, which will not count against your 10 15 page summary. Use APA format on all citations.

Note: This assignment is not focused on the outcomes of the evaluation but rather the strategies used in conducting the evaluation.

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