Macroeconomic Money Supply Measure Worksheet

Calculate the M2 money supply measure.

Record below both the data you use, and the results of your calculations.

Nominal GDP data:

For 4th quarter 1999:

For 4th quarter 2004:

For 4th quarter 2009:

For 4th quarter 2014:

For 4th quarter 2019:

M2 Money Stock:

For December 1999:

For December 2004:

For December 2009:

For December 2014:

For December 2019:

Velocity of M2 Money:

For December 1999:

For December 2004:

For December 2009:

For December 2014:

For December 2019:

Is the M2 velocity of money more stable than the M1 velocity of money?

A) M2 velocity is more stable than M1 velocity

B) M2 velocity is less stable than M1 velocity

C) There is no difference in stability between M1 and M

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