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Module 4 SLP

Think about the financial situation for your reference organization EBAY. If you’re using an unconventional organization, you may have to get a little creative here.

SLP Assignment Expectations

For the Module 4 Project, please address the following questions in a 2 to 4 page paper.

Please repeat the questions below on the title page of your paper.

1.     Assess the overall financial health of your organization. What are good and bad signs, if any, in your assessment? Measures of financial health may include sales and/or profit increases or decreases, if employees are being hired or laid off, major new orders being placed or orders being cancelled. These are some but not all measures that could be looked at, but if you are using an unconventional organization, you may have to get a little creative here.


2.     To what extent is your organization’s financial health affected by fiscal and monetary policy? Please give at least one specific example.

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