Medical Coding and Billing (MCB)

This course is required for students in the AAS Medical Coding and Billing (MCB) degree and in the BS, Health Systems Management (HSM) degree.

Whether you know a lot or not very much about the degree field you have chosen, in your post, identify if you are an MCB or HSM major, and then list the top three skills you think are needed to succeed in your field and explain why by giving examples.  When you respond to your fellow students’ posts, do you agree or disagree with the skills they have listed and why, why not?  Did they list skills you didn’t think of, or you didn’t list as your top three, and if so, how could you also use that on-the-job skill?

my field is mcb is possible to have this ready by Saturday with it in your own words and can pass the plagrism

only 75 to 150 words

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