Metrics Calculators, management homework help





  1. Locate and review the SHRM web page “Metrics Calculators” via
  2. Download and review the resource “HR Metrics Standards & Glossary” via
  3. Download and read the article “HR Measurement and Metrics: Gaining a Seat at the Strategy Table” via
  4. Download and review the Process Value Analysis Form.docx file.
  5. Write an 800- to 1000-word paper guided by the following requirements:
    1. Introduction: Write a brief introduction to the paper.
    2. Article Summary: Provide a brief summary (one paragraph) of the Birkman (2008) article: “HR Measurement and Metrics: Gaining a Seat at the Strategy Table.”
    3. Process Value Analysis Form: Select a test problem in your organization (or an organization with which you are familiar) to conduct a process value analysis.  Complete the downloaded two-page process value analysis form, which is a copy of the form provided by Fitz-enz (2009) in Chapter 3 of the textbook.
      1. Be sure your responses on the form are clear, concise, complete, and correlated to your learning and the test problem you are analyzing. Ideally, the form should remain only two pages long when completed.
      2. You can approach completing the process value analysis form in one of two ways:
        1. Current/Future-Oriented: For a current/future orientation, select as your test problem an issue that has come to your attention that needs fixing.  Therefore, you will address the first two sections of the process value analysis form – situation and intervention – from a present tense.  However, because you will probably not be able to actually implement your action plan in so short a time (depending upon its complexity), you will need to address the last two sections of the form – impact and value – in the future tense, using projected analysis.
        2. Past/Current-Oriented: For a past/current orientation, select as your test problem an issue that has already been addressed in your organization.  This orientation approach will require you to discuss the first two sections of the process value analysis form – situation and intervention – in the past tense.  Address the last two sections – impact and value – from a current perspective.
      3. Impact Using Metrics: For the second question in the Impact section of the Process Value Analysis form, identify what changes occurred. Include in your description of change, how that change was measured (i.e., the actual measurement or metric) as attributable to each process variable: cost, time, quantity, quality, and human reaction.
      4. Five Points for Adding Value: Fitz-enz (2009) identified five points for adding value: 1) setting requirements, 2) interference from outside the process, 3) the person performing the process, 4) feedback, and 5) the consequence.  Refer to the Summary in Chapter 3 of the textbook for a detailed explanation of each, or you may refer to the Background Information for this workshop activity.
      5. Detail which of the five points for adding value would likely be accomplished through the process value analysis you completed in 7.c. above.
      6. Be sure your response is evidence based and evidence informed.
    4. Two Means for Adding Value: Fitz-enz (2009) stated that value is added in at least one of two ways: by a person “improving his or her performance through training or other personal inputs [or by] leveraging the tools that were provided by the organization” (p. 103).  Explain which way is more evidenced in your process value analysis.
    5. Conclusion: Provide a brief conclusion.
    6. Use appropriate headings for each of the above lettered items in the paper.
    7. Include a cover page and a reference page in addition to the 800-1000 words required for the assignment.
    8. Attach the completed process value analysis form as an appendix to your paper.  Do not submit the process value analysis form separately.



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