mis300 portfolio project

My final is due tomorrow night at 1159pm

I already have a chunk of it done but still need to finish this half. I can send the file of the work I have completed to the tutor once assigned one.

To complete your Portfolio Project, propose and explain how your eCommerce business will approach its eCommerce presence, database systems, security policies, continuity planning, and customer privacy. In addition, provide recommendations for specific development methods, software, and technology. The following sections must be included:

  1. eCommerce presence
    1. What model they utilize?
    2. Are they utilizing mCommerce? If yes, explain. If not, explain why they would benefit from it.
  2. Database systems utilized
  3. Security policies
  4. Customer privacy protection
  5. Business continuity planning
    1. Briefly describe how your continuity planning has prepared the business to deal with the following threats: internal threats, theft, unintentional or intentional data corruption, staff-related issues (strikes, illnesses, weather related, etc.), natural disasters, infrastructure failures, terrorist attacks. (Consider the four planning steps recommended by the Department of Homeland Security when analyzing the business continuity planning for the organization.)
    2. Identify potential gaps in your continuity planning that may require further attention.
  6. Recommendations
    1. System development method: What system development method would you recommend and why?
    2. Off-the-shelf vs. custom software: Describe what would be the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing off-the-shelf software versus building customized software, considering your organization’s needs, and recommend the one you think would be more feasible.
    3. New technology: Recommend at least one technology that will benefit the new business, describe how that technology works, and how it could best be implemented.
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