music journal and discussion 3


Many of the artists you are listening to this week were influenced by jazz. This was a departure of sorts from some of the other musical reference points of other hip-hop artists. Discuss a contemporary artist (in any genre) who you think has been influenced by what might be considered an unusual source of inspiration (an example may be a country artist who is influenced by classical music).  Describe—in an original post of 200 words minimum—the influence in the particular artist you choose. If possible, include a link to a song by your chosen artists that exemplifies the influence you describe.

(Please do not select an artist that is already on our syllabus!)


The term “authentic” is used frequently when discussing hip-hop performers. Discuss your opinion of what you think the term “authentic” means in the context of music. What factors shape your opinion? What role, if any, does the business of music play in the framing of what constitutes authenticity?

Be detailed in your response

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