ordinary people movie notes

During the film, you need to take “real time” informative NOTES on separate paper (use 8.5″ x 11″ lined paper, no notepads). This will be your “data/evidence” while you are watching the film. (You can just type these notes as well, like bullet points)

  • ATTACH these written notes to your completed worksheet to earn the full 10 course points.

The worksheet is attached in the files section below. Please complete the entire worksheet based on the movie, “Ordinary People”. As you are watching the movie, just take informative notes as well that include….

CHARACTERS: note when each character appear on the screen/their name, clothing, behavior, etc…

SETTING: note when each scene changes and where it takes place

QUOTES: note who says what statements that you think may present potential significance as the film progresses

After the informative notes, complete the worksheet in the files section.

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