person variables vs situation variables walter mischel argued that most traditional personality theories focus on person variables variables that are thought to exist in a person and do not focus on situation variables variables that are thought to ex 1

Person Variables vs. Situation Variables

Walter Mischel argued that most traditional personality theories focus on person variables (variables that are thought to exist in a person) and do not focus on situation variables (variables that are thought to exist in a situation).

Based on your reading about Walter Mischel, answer the following:

  • Explain the proposition given by Walter Mischel on the focus of traditional personality theories on person variables instead of situation variables in your own words.

Skinner studied overt behavior and rejected studying internal processes as determinants of behavior.

Based on your reading about Skinner, answer the following:

  • Discuss why Skinner studied overt behavior and rejected studying internal processes as determinants of behavior.
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