phl 320 week three

1,050-word argumentative essay on a business decision that you would like to propose. Include the following:

  • Explain the business decision.
  • Discuss why the business decision is valid or not valid based on your argument.
  • Identify the logical structure of each argument within the essay by placing the number in bold at the beginning of each argument.

For example (not to be included as part of your assignment):


Recently the city has shared there will be a water restriction to all homeowners for the next 12 months for conservation efforts. Residents will be allowed to water their yards one time per month.


As a homeowner, I am in clear disagreement with the city’s new water restriction for homeowners. If I am unable to water the yard, (1) then my flowers will die, resulting in a negative return on investment. (2) The dry land may cause foundation issues to the property, resulting in potential repair costs. If I am unable to water the lawn, (3) the dry yard and soil will not provide a good curb appeal for the property, which will negatively affect resale value. Because of this, I do not agree with the water restriction imposed by the city. I propose a more lenient water conservation program, such as the one implemented by XYZ County. XYZ County’s water restriction program allowed residents to water twice per week.

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