planning a funeral

Challenges when Planning a Funeral!

Challenges when Planning a Funeral!

There are a large number of things to consider for a funeral, especially your own. The following are just a few questions to consider. What do you want to happen with your remains? Organ donation? Cremation? Burial? If a burial, then what do you want to wear? Do you want an open or closed casket? What kind of casket do you want? Do you want to be buried in a mausoleum or the ground? If the ground, do you already have a burial plot? Who do you want to be buried next to? If in the ground, do you want the coffin to be placed in a sealed vault? What rituals do you want at your funeral or memorial service? Do you have a favorite passage from the Bible, Quran, Torah or other religious book that you would like to be read? Any poems or other words that you would like to be read? What musical instruments/songs do you want? Do you want a morning or afternoon service? Who do you want to give the eulogy? Note: You will NOT directly answer any of these questions as part of this assignment, rather these are questions to get you thinking about the complexity of planning a funeral.

Below is a link to a form that outlines the cost associated with planning a funeral or memorial services complete the form to inquire how much it would cost to execute a services in your geographical location. Also complete a reflections essay that includes the challenges families face planning a services, the financial cost of planning a service and a reflection on what you learned when families are faced with planning a funeral or memorial service.

To access a planning sheet click on the following document: Cost of Planning a Funeral Sheet.

For complete grading details, click on the following document: Planning a Funeral Project Rubric.

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