please read the chapters associated with this week s discussion as well as lecture when you are done conduct a critical review budget

Please read the Chapters associated with this week’s discussion as well as Lecture. When you are done, conduct a critical review.

A critical review evaluates the clarity, quality and originality of research, as well as its relevance and presentation. A good review carefully analyzes an article’s strengths and weaknesses before assessing its overall value. The purpose of the article review is to improve basic research skills and to allow students to become familiar with specific evaluation criteria for social science research and develop critical thinking skills.

As part of your initial post, conduct a search in the Library. Locate an article related to the week’s topic of discussions and lessons.

The article should have been published within the last 5 years (2016-2020) and be scholarly and peer reviewed in nature. So, when conducting a search in the Library Resources, you must limit the database search to “peer reviewed journals” only.

Your review of the article must be in your own words (250 words) and should include an assessment of the following (USE THESE SUBHEADINGS IN YOUR REVIEW):

  • Introduction
  • Methodology (research)
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Your concluding thoughts on the article as it pertains to the week’s topics and lessons

Your article must be properly cited and referenced at the end of the submission. You must include a proper URL or DOI for the article. See Reference List from electronic sources or publications: Purdue Owl APA

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