power point about a nursing theorist and the relevance of his her theory today

Group members may choose the topic for this presentation, however at the discretion of the course instructor. Presentations will be submitted via Blackboard under Assignments tab by the established deadline before 11:59pm. Each presentation should consist of minimum 20 slides and be submitted as a Microsoft PowerPoint document.

Your presentation needs to include all of the following:


-Learning objectives for presentation

-Brief background on theorist

-Relevance of the theory in current healthcare 3 points


-Appropriateness of theory to role of nurse practitioner

-Key concepts of theory

-Applicability of concepts to daily advanced nursing practice

-Relevance to MSN Essentials 10 points


-Critique (Evaluation of theory’s strengths, weaknesses, and discussion of future practice implications) 5 points


–Creativity (graphs, statistics and graphics should be included in presentation)

-Organization of presentation (Bullet points & excerpts only, slides should not be cluttered or contain lengthy paragraphs) 2 points

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