Program Outcome 3 Demonstration, communications homework help



This discussion helps you develop the skills to master the following program outcome:

  • Think critically and analytically to provide evidence-based solutions to business challenges and opportunities.

Revisit the MBA6900 Course Alignment Map to review how all activities assist you in achieving the program outcomes.


This discussion focuses on Program Outcome 3: Think critically and analytically to provide evidence-based solutions to business challenges and opportunities. For this discussion, complete the following:

  • Review Program Outcome 3 in MBA Program Outcomes for more information about the importance and role of this outcome.
  • Review the relevant criterion in the Capstone Project and Presentation Scoring Guide to familiarize yourself with the specific expectations for demonstrating the outcome.
  • Describe how you will demonstrate your achievement of the outcome in your capstone project. Be as specific as possible.


Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of other learners’ plans for demonstrating the outcome. Note any gaps you see between the expectations outlined and the learner’s plan and help brainstorm ideas to strengthen his or her project.


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