Systems Theory and Conflict Resolution, communication assignment help




Systems theory is a method of analyzing conflict that goes beyond looking at individual behavior and goals, and instead focuses on the patterns of interactions between individuals as a part of a whole institution. Systems theory also focuses on the roles that individuals play within institutions.

For this assignment, use the information about systems theory that you read in Chapter 7 of the Hocker and Wilmot text, complete the following, using your post from u05d2:

  1. Define systems theory clearly, in your own words.
  2. Briefly describe the conflict.
  3. Then analyze what you know about the system that is contributing to this conflict. To help you analyze the system, refer to the detailed Conflict Assessment Guide on pages 242–245 of the Hocker and Wilmot text. Choose relevant questions from this outline to assist you in your analysis.
  4. Based on your systems analysis of this conflict, propose some possible solutions or strategies for reducing the conflict. Remember, systems theory looks beyond individuals and examines the system as a whole, so solutions may need to involve systemic changes as opposed to individual ones.


  • Written Communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA Formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA guidelines.
  • Page Requirements: 3–5 pages.
  • Font and Font Size: Times New Roman or Arial, 12 point.
  • Attach document in Microsoft Word format.


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