psychological concept i have attached the articles in question

You are expected to incorporate the concept from the transcripts and own understanding and the related articles pertaining to the questions asked.

The paper should be 1500 words singles spaced. Use APA format and ensure top notch work. No plagiarism no grammar issues

I need quality and a well formatted paper. All instructions should be followed and questions should be answered appropriately


The journaling questions for each module are designed to probe your understanding of key concepts in the module material and your ability to apply and relate this material to practice. You are strongly encouraged to draw on your own experience. In the absence of personal experience you can think about and outline hypothetical scenarios where you see relevance and application.

In demonstrating your understanding of the material it is critical that you put concepts and ideas in your own words. Your response should not include copying/pasting large sections of text or using many direct quotes, but rather should be a summary, in your own words, of what you have read. Further, it is important that you not only demonstrate your understanding of theory and research, but see the relevance of the material and are able to make the connection to practice and the context in which you work or hope to work.

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