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200 words each question plus reference.



In a narrative format, discuss Nike from a strategic perspective. Information concerning recent changes in the firms is readily available online and should be accessed. Strategic issues should be discussed in “real time.”




Some critics—citing previous allegations of sweatshops—have argued that Nike has not been ethical in its approach to production in developing countries. Is this criticism warranted? Why or why not? Additional Internet research may be required to support your position.



How has Nike accomplished considerable growth over the past two decades? Can this continue? Why or why not?



Suppose you are the CEO of Nike and the world is coping with an economic recession. Would you change the corporate strategy? If so, what changes would you make and why? If not, why not?



  • 200 words each question plus reference.




    In a narrative format, discuss Papa John’s from a strategic perspective. Information concerning recent changes in the firms is readily available online and should be accessed. Strategic issues should be discussed in “real time.”




    How would you describe Papa John’s competitive strategy along the lines of the Porter and the Miles and Snow typologies? Support your response.



    Do Papa John’s marketing and production (service) strategies support its competitive strategy effectively? Provide examples to support your answer.




    Suppose you are the CEO of Papa Johns, and McDonald’s just announced that it would begin to serve pizza in and deliver from all of its restaurants in the United States. Would you make any changes to your competitive strategy? What additional information would you like to have before you make your decision? Explain.



200 words each question plus reference.





In a narrative format, discuss Fedex from a strategic perspective. Information concerning recent changes in the firms is readily available online and should be accessed. Strategic issues should be discussed in “real time.”






How has Fedex managed to maintain technical superiority (i.e., reliability, service, package tracking, etc.) in its industry? Can Fedex continue to do so in the future? Why or why not?





Give examples of two prominent crises FedEx could face in the future. What steps should the company take to prepare for these crises?






Suppose you are the CEO of a start-up firm in the package delivery industry. You have plenty of capital to work with, but little infrastructure and no management team in place. What strategy would you pursue and why?

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