Rasmussen College Deliverable 1 Roles and Behaviors of Teams Homework





Evaluate the roles and behaviors of teams in organizational settings.

Scenario Information

As a leader, you have been tasked with building a team whose purpose is to recommend a new performance evaluation system. The current system is outdated and greatly reduces employee morale each year.


As the leader of this problem-solving team, you are tasked with assessing types of teams, benefits, and determinants of successful teams. The company has asked you for a two-page report outlining issues and recommendations for team interventions.

In your report, you will want to:

  • Compare the types of teams and how they are utilized within an organization.
  • Discuss habits that can be used to enhance team success.
  • Summarize the advantages of teams and benefits of teams in relation to the organization, manager, and employees.
  • Provide your recommendations of key determinants that contribute to successful teams and how they can be implemented in an organization.


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