Read the Diagnostics Services Inc. case. Each question should be discussed thoroughly in 200-250 words.





Read the Diagnostics Services Inc. case . Each question should be discussed thoroughly in 200-250 words. Must use correct APA guidelines, correct grammar must cite and use 3 references. No essay must use your own words.

1. Provide a summary of the case including an analysis of the key facts and potential dilemma.

2. What are some of the problems that DSI’s salespeople have experienced as a result of not having had the direction of a sales manager for the first 12 months?

3. What process should be used to design new territories for the 6 sales reps? What sources of information are available to design these territories?

4. Assume you are Lydell. What types of information would you use to conduct a sales analysis of your reps’ territories?



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