reading response 288

do some online research on Hadrian’s Wall, built by the Romans, and the Great Wall of China. The Great was of China was built over several centuries, so make sure that you are looking at the Qin/Han era, not the earlier and later sections.

For each wall, briefly (you can use bullet points) address the following:

  • Who built it, where was it built, and what threat was it designed to keep out?
  • What were the significant challenges to building it?
  • What was the design/structure and how did that impact function?
  • What were the consequences of building the wall? Consider both intended/unintended as well as positive/negative.
  • Was it worth it? Give a short cost/benefit analysis

You do not have use scholarly sources like you did for your research paper. However, you should be using reliable web sources. Websites like Smithsonian, National Geographic, etc. are good for these kinds of topics and are ancient history encyclopedias. You will need to submit a list of web sites used with the authors (if they have one), title, and URL.

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